Twitter Updates for 2009-02-07
I’m in shock over this 100% bull crap of a stimulus bill. # Doing last minute review before going to bed. Wish me luck on my teaching exam in the
I’m in shock over this 100% bull crap of a stimulus bill. # Doing last minute review before going to bed. Wish me luck on my teaching exam in the
Studying for my state cert test for Spanish and getting ready for class tonight. Blah! #
Mike Leach from Texas tech is at East Central #
Got upgraded to the imax showing of tdtess for free. #
Driving home in dog and stupid drivers who forget to turn on their lights in low visibility hack me off. #
Staying warm since school is cancelled. I hate ice storms. #
Sally the Parakeet passed away today. She was approximately 8 years old. #
Ahh, the first day of the month of December. Yep, it’s cold here. Good lord! #
Potential voter fraud in Tulsa? # Voted John McCain! #
Gas in Tulsa is $1.93 a gallon. Maybe those democrats should vote for McCain if they want cheaper gas! #