2 weeks left

In two weeks, I will be graduating from OU and the following week, I will be heading to France to learn French in the Bordeaux region, the heart of winemaking country. While there I may even go to Spain.
I’ve set up this section of the blog so my travel diary is part of my main blog. I want to share my adventure with everyone and I hope you all enjoy the trip.

So the count starts today and here is my list.

    Pack 2-3 weeks worth of variable weather clothing.
    Get an iPod so I can listen to my music in Spain and France.

Course last but not least, start blogging in Spanish too. For a fluent Spanish speaker, I really don’t type much in Spanish on here. I should probably change that. ETA: Spanish heading coming soon. Might even start dual posting, half in English, other half in Spanish.

Ohh and check out blog$hares.com, it’s a game that is similiar to a stock market. Blogs represent companies and there are industries and indexes that a blog can fall under. My current index and all can be found here.


Matt Luria