– Basque separatists ETA declare ceasefire
Finally peace in Basque, read below for the news…The Basque countryside is beautiful and should be experienced by everyone, and know everyone can safely.
Finally peace in Basque, read below for the news…The Basque countryside is beautiful and should be experienced by everyone, and know everyone can safely.
Okay the pics are up of my new stuff inside the place…mostly its my nice TV, my spiffy new dining room table, and my ohh so comfortable bed. Click below
Many times, I disagree with Bill O’Reilly on a few issues. While most of them are political in nature, there are many things that I do agree with him on.
Red Wine May Fight Gum Disease By Miranda Hitti Red Wine May Fight Gum Disease: Natural compounds from red wine and grape seeds could help curb gum disease, new research
I’ve moved into my new place, slowly but surely, I’ll be posting pictures on the place…once I have it organized and cleaned up.