Bonjour � France

Well I have made it to France and Sunday night, I slept for 12 hours straight. First day of class was long, my body hasn’t adjusted yet.

Edited to add:
The family is great. Sleeping has been odd as my body is still about 8 hours behind schedule but is slowly catching up. Thee food is a bit lighter so I’ve been eating more at the different meal times. I am living in the city, near downtown. My classmates are fro, all over. There are 7 of us in the class. 3 are from England, two are a retired couple from Birmingham. The other lady is from Kent. Then there is a German/American, a woman from Japan, and a PhD student from UPenn. I am the youngest persn in my class.

School is great and I am walking around town every aftrenoon to orientate myself to the layout of the town. The people here arte not snobbish at all. I think the snobs are in Paris. I am amazed how many wineries are nearby. I have not run into the OU students as I think they are at the nearby university, not the school, that I’m at, which is BLS.

I will talk more on Wednsday.


Matt Luria