Week 2 Blog update

Bonjour mes amis!!!

Well week one went by faster than I expected. Course updates have been slow and
I apologize because the internet access at the school is terrible. Saturday, I
went on a wine tour of two chateaus in the Medoc region. The wine at the first
chateau was the best. That chateau was the Chateau Aney.

Sunday was spent watching the EU voting of the French with my host family. If
you thought American politics was screwy, the French have us beat by at least
200 miles. I’ll have a small write up about it on Hermesnews.net and here.
I’m finalizing my story and double checking my spelling. It should prove
interesting to everyone.

This week, I am doing two lessons a day, one in the morning and one in the
afternoon. So it will be tough for me to blog all the time now but I will try
to email in a story every two days.

I miss everyone back home but I am having fun here. I figure I should as its a
good investment to be learning another language besides Spanish. I mean where
else can I eat a lot of cheese and bread, drink lots of wine, and meet
interesting people from all over the world who come here to learn French.

Well, I have homework and class to run too.

Au revoir!!

Matt Luria