Let the wine flow

Vinexpo is the current rage in Bordeaux. Thousands of wine distributors throughout the world have invaded the city and good luck trying to find a hotel for just a day here. The event lasts through the week and the next. Lots of famous people are here for the expo, including Jean Reno who owns a vineyard in Southern France.

This weekend we saw temperatures in the high 90’s, almost a 100 degrees on Saturday. If you though Oklahoma weather was harsh in the summer, try 90 degree heat, no AC and no wind. Definitely brutal on the body. I’m currently deciding on a trip to take in a week or two. As much as I would like to see Paris, there is too much to even try to see on a weekend and being there for a weekend hardly gives it justice. Therefore, I am thinking the Pyrenees or Poitoirs because of the cultural history of the two locations. Plus, they are both far cheaper and have plenty to see for a day or two.

Matt Luria